Large-Scale Candidate Gene Analysis in Whites and African-Americans Identifies IL6R Polymorphism in Relation to Atrial Fibrillation: The NHLBI CARe Project
Autoren/Herausgeber: | Schnabel RB | Kerr KF | Lubitz SA | Alkylbekova EL | Marcus GM | Sinner MF | Magnani JW | Wolf PA | Deo R | Lloyd-Jones DM | Lunetta KL | Mehra R | Levy D | Fox ER | Arking DE | Mosley TH | Mueller M | Young T | Wichmann HE | Seshadri S | Farlow DN | Rotter JI | Soliman EZ | Heckbert SR | for the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) | |
Erschienen: | 2011 |
Institut: | Institut für Genetische Epidemiologie |
erschienen in: | Circulation Cardiovasc Genetics 2011; 4: 557-564 |
ISSN / ISBN: | ISSN: 1942-3268 |